Loyalty Science Lab
Loyalty Science Lab

Loyalty Science Lab is a university research lab housed in the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University. Led by Dr. Yuping Liu-Thompkins, the Lab's mission is to create and promote cutting-edge scientific research on brand and customer loyalty. Through collaborative efforts between marketing practitioners and academic researchers from multiple disciplines and multiple industries, the Loyalty Science Lab identifies high-priority loyalty-related issues, engages in deep, evidence-based scientific research on these issues, and disseminates the insight to benefit loyalty research and practice. Our Medium page shares accessible research insights to benefit the next generation of brand and customer loyalty practices. Follow us on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/loyalty-science-lab for more loyalty-related insights.

Medium member since May 2020
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Loyalty Science Lab

Loyalty Science Lab

We are a university research lab devoted to scientific research on brand/customer loyalty. Follow us at https://www.linkedin.com/company/loyalty-science-lab.